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The Freudian Slip

Et kunststykke af format, der tager udgangspunkt i Casper Christensen og hans egen dans med instinkter, seksuelle, aggressive drifter, behov og ønsker og alle samfundets normer og regler.

En oldgammel fortælling om menneskets kamp imellem over-jeg’et og id’et afsendt fra fremtidens teknologi i form af en unik NFT kollektion med tilhørende plakat.
Salget er lukket og det er derfor kun muligt at købe en NFT fra det sekundære marked.
Brug#thefreudianslippå Instagram og deltag i en konkurrence om 2 billetter til Paris.
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Om kollektionen

The Freudian Slip NFT kollektionen er indbegrebet af vores allesammens kamp på forskellige niveauer imellem over-jeg’et og id’et.

For Casper Christensen er det kampen med hans alter-ego; ulven.

Ulven er elskeren i både den fysiske og filosofiske forstand af ordet. Sammenholdt med hans voldsomme uafhængighed - er dette indianske dyresymbol lidt af en selvmodsigelse. At have brug for hans frihed, men stadig være ret blid og medfølende – giver billedet af "den ensomme ulv".
Fotografen bag den unikke billedkunst er Sebastian Falck Stigsby.
Kollektionens univers
Kollektionen er baseret på seks historier og består af 2000 unika kunstværker. Vi holder fast i mystikken omkring kunsten. Den NFT man køber er random valgt af vores system.
Hver NFT inkluderer en fysisk unika plakat, som man får tilsendt.
De første 100 NFT købere får adgang til launch party med Casper Christensen d. 14 april på klubben Museo.
De første 250 NFT købere får lov til at møde og få signeret deres plakat af Casper Christensen.
Frequently asked questions
What is NFT Super Lab?
NFT Super Lab only offers selected elite NFTs created by well-known profiles and brands. This way you can make sure your NFT has a value beyond the normal. In a world where the process of selecting the right NFT is pure chaos and completely unmanageable, NFT Super Lab has segmented, selected and offers only the best for you.
How can I start using NFT Super Lab?
  1. Register on the website - NFTSuperLab.io.
  2. Set up your CryptoX wallet.
  3. Connect your CryptoX wallet to your account on NFTSuperLab.
  4. You can now start buying NFTs on the website.
What is an NFT?
NFT stands for Non-fungible token.
Think of an NFT as a digital stamp of ownership used to confirm the authenticity of a unique item. At the moment that stamp is recorded (tokenized) on a secure public database (blockchain), the stamp becomes verified as one of a kind and cannot be modified or copied.
An item is fungible if it can easily be exchanged or substituted and maintain its same value. A dollar bill is an example of a fungible item because it can be replaced or exchanged for 4 quarters (or another one dollar bill) and still retain the same exact value. Other fungible items include:
  • Gold
  • Bitcoin or other crypto currencies
  • Casino chips
An item is non-fungible if it cannot be substituted because it has unique qualities that make it different from other similar items. While many NFTs are digital, they can be used to verify the authenticity of real-world items too. Examples include:
  • Event tickets
  • Photography
  • Collectibles like trading cards
  • Music
  • Digital art
  • Virtual items like video game skins and avatars
  • Tangible assets like real estate, cars, and even clothing
It is that publicly verifiable ownership that makes NFTs valuable because it allows them to be easily and securely traded or sold and allows for a variety of additional uses like:
  • Unlock owner benefits like exclusive access to an event or an experience
  • Artist/creator royalties
  • Chain of custody verification, eliminating ticketing fraud
What is minting/tokenizing an NFT?
The process of registering an item as a token on the blockchain. The minting adds a permanent stamp of authenticity and uniqueness. Similar to the way that physical metal coins are minted and added into circulation, NFTs are also tokens that get “minted” once they are created.
The minting process also ads key elements of value, the unchangeable rules by which that token will function in the form of a smart contract and the chain of ownership. Once a token is minted, it can no longer be altered.
What is NFT Super Lab?
NFT Super Lab only offers selected elite NFTs created by well-known profiles and brands. This way you can make sure your NFT has a value beyond the normal. In a world where the process of selecting the right NFT is pure chaos and completely unmanageable, NFT Super Lab has segmented, selected and offers only the best for you.
How can I start using NFT Super Lab?
  1. Register on the website - NFTSuperLab.io.
  2. Set up your CryptoX wallet.
  3. Connect your CryptoX wallet to your account on NFTSuperLab.
  4. You can now start buying NFTs on the website.
What is an NFT?
NFT stands for Non-fungible token.
Think of an NFT as a digital stamp of ownership used to confirm the authenticity of a unique item. At the moment that stamp is recorded (tokenized) on a secure public database (blockchain), the stamp becomes verified as one of a kind and cannot be modified or copied.
An item is fungible if it can easily be exchanged or substituted and maintain its same value. A dollar bill is an example of a fungible item because it can be replaced or exchanged for 4 quarters (or another one dollar bill) and still retain the same exact value. Other fungible items include:
  • Gold
  • Bitcoin or other crypto currencies
  • Casino chips
An item is non-fungible if it cannot be substituted because it has unique qualities that make it different from other similar items. While many NFTs are digital, they can be used to verify the authenticity of real-world items too. Examples include:
  • Event tickets
  • Photography
  • Collectibles like trading cards
  • Music
  • Digital art
  • Virtual items like video game skins and avatars
  • Tangible assets like real estate, cars, and even clothing
It is that publicly verifiable ownership that makes NFTs valuable because it allows them to be easily and securely traded or sold and allows for a variety of additional uses like:
  • Unlock owner benefits like exclusive access to an event or an experience
  • Artist/creator royalties
  • Chain of custody verification, eliminating ticketing fraud
What is minting/tokenizing an NFT?
The process of registering an item as a token on the blockchain. The minting adds a permanent stamp of authenticity and uniqueness. Similar to the way that physical metal coins are minted and added into circulation, NFTs are also tokens that get “minted” once they are created.
The minting process also ads key elements of value, the unchangeable rules by which that token will function in the form of a smart contract and the chain of ownership. Once a token is minted, it can no longer be altered.
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NFT Super Lab

Offering elite NFTs created by well-known artists and brands. Ensuring your NFT has a value beyond the normal.


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